Zainab Khan
USA / Afghanistan / Pakistan
Love. Unity. Harmony. Peace. Sisterhood.
1. The state or relationship of being a sister or sisters.
2. The quality of being sisterly.
3. A society, especially a religious society, of women.
4. Association or unification of women in a common cause.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
My faith is my solid foundation for the relationships I cherish and value. I strongly adhere to the values of helping others, through solidarity and support . Sisterhood goes beyond a blood bond or genetic connection: As a sister, I cannot imagine remaining in a “safe” zone, very well knowing that my sister may not be given the same opportunities or resources to live a life that is her own, free from pre-destined barriers or constricting norms.
I firmly believe that through peace, love, respect, and mutual understanding, we will be able to provide a helping hand that will empower each woman to reach out like a sister to one another. In today's world, where our chances of connectivity are much higher, it truly is possible to create a culture of sisterhood and unity. As we share our experiences and voices interactively throughout the globe, we receive the chance not just to bring visibility, but to breathe life into our stories. As a fellow sister and Muslima, I believe that cohesion and collaboration will be the primary catalyst for collective and transformative change.
"Sisters": India ink on White China Clay.
Zainab Khan is a Muslima Ambassador. See her Muslima Story here.